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How to Authorize Toro Financial Inc as CRA Business Representative

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1. General

What your representative can do

When you authorize a representative, you are letting them represent you for your personal tax, business tax, non-resident tax, or trust tax matters.

With authorization, your representative could do one or more of the following:

  • access your tax information, tax assessment or reassessment
  • get information about your business tax accounts
  • update some of your business number and program account information
  • verify that they are authorized on your account by referring to their Client List in Represent a Client to verify your name and their authorizations levels (this doesn't apply to non-resident accounts)

Your representative's access to your tax information remains until you or they cancel the access or it expires (if an expiry date was included in the authorization request). Your representative's access won't expire when the CRA is notified of your death.

For information on how to cancel authorization, go to Cancel authorization for a representative.

What you can do

From the "Profile" section in My Business Account, within the "Authorized representatives" section, select "Manage authorized representatives" to:

  • view all current representatives authorized on your business account
  • view, modify or delete a specific representative's authorization
  • view the online transactions done by a representative on your business account, when viewing a specific representative
  • select "Authorize a representative" to add a representative on your business account
  • select "Confirm pending authorizations" to confirm or deny electronic authorization requests submitted by representatives

For information about corporations, go to Access to corporate tax information.

2. Before You Start

Know your responsibilities

You're responsible for providing your tax information to your representative. They will require one or more of the following:

  • your name, address, date of birth
  • your social insurance number
  • your business number

When you authorize a representative, you're letting them represent you for your business tax matters.

Business tax matters include topics related to information on your program accounts. If you want to authorize a representative for your Canadian business, you'll first need a business number. To find out if you need a business number, go to When you need a business number or Canada Revenue Agency program accounts.


3. How to give authorization

  1. Online:

    Fastest way. Authorizing a representative online gives them immediate access to your CRA account. You must already be registered with My Business Account.

    1. Go to My Business Account – CRA sign-in - and sign in with the Sign-In Partner or your CRA user ID and password and follow the steps to log in:
    2. Once you are signed in, select the right business number on the drop down:
    3. Go to ‘Profile’ in the Navigation Pane
    4. In the Profile section go to ‘Manage authorized representatives’
    5. Click on ‘Authorize Representative’ :
    6. Enter ‘715073946’ under ‘RepID, GroupID, or BN
    7. Click on ‘Level 2’ for ‘Level authorization and no expiry date:
    8. Select All Accounts:
    9. Then confirm and submit:

    You should receive a note that says:


    You can let us know when you have granted us authorization by email at